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Carti in categoria Stundent handbook

Fiorina, Rho Carla
Tip afisare:
Fields of Vision Global, volume 1. Student Book
Fields of Vision is a comprehensive, flexible, user-friendly anthology of Literature in the English language, from its origins to contemporary times. - A well-balanced selection of authors and texts; - Improves language skills, involving students actively in the learning experience; - Develops students’ ability to approach their studies from a cross-curricular perspective; - Adaptable college-level materials; - Themes, topics and tasks that can be exploited in all fields of study to p...


PRP: 177,70 Lei  168,82 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Fields of Vision Global, volume 2. Student Book
Fields of Vision is a comprehensive, flexible, user-friendly anthology of Literature in the English language, from its origins to contemporary times. - A well-balanced selection of authors and texts; - Improves language skills, involving students actively in the learning experience; - Develops students’ ability to approach their studies from a cross-curricular perspective; - Adaptable college-level materials; - Themes, topics and tasks that can be exploited in all fields of study to p...