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Carti in categoria Stundent handbook

Phillips, David A.
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Expert Pearson Test of English Academic B2 Coursebook and MyEnglishLab Pack
The Expert series provides rigorous exam training for high-achieving students while continuing to develop language awareness and communication skills. This intensive course for the Pearson Test of English Academic exam consists of a coursebook and MyEnglishLab. This combination of components will prove to satisfy your students practice needs and allow them to achieve their full moreISBN: CoursepackFormat: 211 x 295 x 9mm | 558gAnul aparitiei: 27 Jun 2015...


PRP: 253,60 Lei  240,92 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Expert Pearson Test of English Academic B2 Standalone Coursebook
The PTE Academic Expert coursebook for B2 supports students by giving them: Step-by-step approach to speaking and writing - Tasks to prepare students for the exam from the start - Strategies for approaching the exam task types - Vocabulary sections based on the Academic Collocations and Word lists (ACL and AWL)show moreISBN: Student editionNr pagini: 216 pagesFormat: 209 x 296 x 9mm | 568gAnul aparitiei: 06 Mar 2014...


PRP: 147,80 Lei  140,41 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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