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Carti in categoria Stundent handbook

Corbett, Jeanette
Tip afisare:
English Quest Level 1 - Pupils Book Pack (Animated Stories and Songs CD-ROM)
Macmillan English Quest is a fresh, lively primary series for young pupils learning English. The series is ba sed on the idea that studying English is a voyage of real world discovery. Macmillan English Quest 4 Pupil's Book is story-based. The characters, who are looking for the Quest Cup with the help of magic symbols, go to different places and learn about people and cultures al lover the world. Technology is featured throughout the series, through the characters, the stories and games,...


PRP: 70,00 Lei  66,50 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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English Quest Level 2 - Pupils Book Pack (Animated Stories and Songs CD-ROM)
Macmillan English Quest is a fresh, lively primary series for young pupils learning English. The series is ba sed on the idea that studying English is a voyage of real world discovery. Macmillan English Quest 4 Pupil's Book is story-based. The characters, who are looking for the Quest Cup with the help of magic symbols, go to different places and learn about people and cultures al lover the world. Technology is featured throughout the series, through the characters, the stories and games, provid...


PRP: 70,00 Lei  66,50 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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English Quest Level 3 - Pupils Book Pack (Animated Stories and Songs CD-ROM)
Macmillan English Quest is a fresh, lively primary series for young pupils learning English. The series is ba sed on the idea that studying English is a voyage of real world discovery. Macmillan English Quest 4 Pupil's Book is story-based. The characters, who are looking for the Quest Cup with the help of magic symbols, go to different places and learn about people and cultures al lover the world. Technology is featured throughout the series, through the characters, the stories and games,...


PRP: 70,00 Lei  66,50 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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English Quest Level 4 - Pupils Book Pack (Animated Stories and Songs CD-ROM)
Macmillan English Quest is a fresh, lively primary series for young pupils learning English. The series is ba sed on the idea that studying English is a voyage of real world discovery. Macmillan English Quest 4 Pupil's Book is story-based. The characters, who are looking for the Quest Cup with the help of magic symbols, go to different places and learn about people and cultures al lover the world. Technology is featured throughout the series, through the characters, the stories and games, provid...


PRP: 70,00 Lei  66,50 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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