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Carti in categoria Stundent handbook

Prodromou, Luke
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English World 7 Students Book
The Student''s Book contains twelve units. Each requires eight teaching sessions and is designed to be taught over a two-week period. The key skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening are consistently covered throughout the course and are underpinned by the firm foundation of the grammar syllabus. These elements are clearly presented in the book so that teachers have a clear objective for every lesson. KEY FEATURES - Welcome unit to revises the basic language needed to begin the course ...


PRP: 58,00 Lei  55,10 LeiAdauga in cos
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English World 9 Students Book
English World is a stunningly visual ten-level course which will take children through from primary to secondary. Written by the authors of best-sellers Way Ahead and Macmillan English, English World combines best practice methodology with innovative new features for the modern classroom. Active whole-class learning is supported by interactive activities on the WB CD-ROM. Thorough grammar and skills work is applied in natural contexts in the real world, through dialogues and cross-curricular mat...


PRP: 58,00 Lei  55,10 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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English World 10 Students Book
English World is a stunningly visual ten-level course which will take children through from primary to secondary. Written by the authors of best-sellers Way Ahead and Macmillan English, English World combines best practice methodology with innovative new features for the modern classroom. Active whole-class learning is supported by interactive activities on the WB CD-ROM. Thorough grammar and skills work is applied in natural contexts in the real world, through dialogues and cross-curricular mat...


PRP: 58,00 Lei  55,10 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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English World 8 Students Book
The Student''s Book contains twelve units. Each requires eight teaching sessions and is designed to be taught over a two-week period. The key skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening are consistently covered throughout the course and are underpinned by the firm foundation of the grammar syllabus. These elements are clearly presented in the book so that teachers have a clear objective for every lesson. KEY FEATURES - Welcome unit to revises the basic language needed to begin the course ...


PRP: 58,00 Lei  55,10 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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First Certificate Star. Students Book
First Certificate Star is a comprehensive and challenging course for First Certificate in English. First Certificate Star thoroughly prepares students for FCE by providing extensive exam practice. At the same time it consolidates and develops students' knowledge of the language and their ability to use it. Key features in the Student's Book: - exam practice in every unit; - information and advice on all parts of the exam; - comprehensive coverage of FCE grammar; - a grammar reference section; - ...