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Carti in categoria Literature & Biography

Herman, Melville
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Billy Budd and Other Stories
Melville's short stories are masterpieces. The best are to be appreciated on more than one level and those presented here are rich with symbolism and spiritual depth. Set in 1797, Billy Budd, Foretopman exploits the tension of this period during the war between England and France to create a tale of satanic treachery, tragedy and great pathos that explores human relationships and the inherently ambiguous nature of man-made justice. Tales such as Bartleby, Benito Cereno, The Lightning Rod Man, Th...
PRP: 22,00 Lei  20,46 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Moby Dick (Colectia Wordsworth Classics)
Moby Dick is the story of Captain Ahab's quest to avenge the whale that `reaped' his leg. The quest is an obsession and the novel is a diabolical study of how a man becomes a fanatic.But it is also a hymn to democracy. Bent as the crew is on Ahab's appalling crusade, it is equally the image of a co-operative community at work: all hands dependent on all hands, each individual responsible for the security of each.Among the crew is Ishmael, the novel's narrator, ordinary sailor, and extraordinary ...
PRP: 22,00 Lei  20,46 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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