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Carti in categoria English language

Junior illustrated English dictionary
A great dictionary for home and school, with over 6,000 words carefully defined in simple language and over 650 colourful illustrations. Clearly displayed and easy to navigate, with example sentences to show words in context, spelling tips and information about word families and origins, plus grammar and punctuation help at the back of the book. Age 7 Key Stage KS2 E BIC CBMC C4N79 Paperback ISBN: 9781409582625 Extent: 352 pages Dimensions: 240 x 170mmAuthor/Editor Hannah Wood and Felicity Brook...


77,94 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Junior illustrated English dictionary
A great dictionary for home and school, with over 6,000 words carefully defined in simple language and over 650 colourful illustrations. Clearly displayed and easy to navigate, with example sentences to show words in context, spelling tips and information about word families and origins, plus grammar and punctuation help at the back of the book. Age 7 Key Stage KS2 E BIC CBMC C4N79 Paperback ISBN: 9781409582625 Extent: 352 pages Dimensions: 240 x 170mmAuthor/Editor Hannah Wood and Felicity Brook...


77,94 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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